Thursday, June 24, 2010

Less Than a Cup of Water

A fog is a mist of cloud on the ground that can cover 1 to 2 kilometers of your block. Others look at it as a wonderful phenomenon, but for some it is hazardous because it decreases visibility that can cause street accidents. Do you know how much water does fog contain? According to Michel Verheughe, top contributor of, at 15 C, which is the average temperature at sea level, on earth, a cubic meter of fog contains roughly 13 grams of water. If the temperature falls to 0 C, which is the freezing point, then the same cubic meter of fog (saturated air) can contain only roughly 5 grams of water. 13 grams of water is just less than a cup of water.

Worries can be likened to a fog, though it is psychological, it affects our entire being. It makes things complicated and makes the future unclear. It stops us from doing our plans because we fear that it will not succeed, in that case many opportunities are wasted because of it. Many of us became slaves of worries and that includes me. There was a time I also suffered from it until I read what Paul said, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” Paul was true, why do we worry when God is with us. God is great, His power covers the entire universe and worry is just like a less than a cup of water. 


  1. Hi sir! padaan lng po! :)

  2. Thanks for spending your time reading my blog. Hope you like it.

  3. Koya, dba atin song na ganyan yung lyrics yung cnabi ni Paul.."May the Lord find us faithful yung title"..fav ko yun.. =)

  4. yeah its really a nice song. May the Lord Find Us faithful by the Wilds.

    God has not given us the spirit of fear,
    But has given us the strength to obey,
    With power and sound mind,
    With love the unfailing kind,
    O be not ashamed of His ways...

  5. I like that thoughts, very interesting and it touch everyone's heart. Thanks for sharing.
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